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About Us


At AMF we believe that wellness begins from the inside out. Starting with your mindset, dedication to discipline and diet/nutrition. Healthy is a lifestyle. Not a phase. Not a fad. It takes willpower to maintain a certain level of fitness and stay in shape. You won’t always be motivated. But, if you can learn to control your mind, you can accomplish anything.

AMF is built around 4 concepts:


Moving your body once a day is always a good idea. Motion is lotion for your muscles and your mind. It’s a great way to kick-start your day, digestion, and detoxification. Your lymphatic system needs movement (think bouncing, rebounding, jumping, etc.) to drain effectively. Your heart is a muscle that obviously shouldn’t be neglected. And your joints are filled with synovial fluid that should be flushed out and replenished regularly. A favorite affirmation is “I am strong and I can do hard things.” One may not always feel strong in mind or body, but I know strength in both areas can be obtained and maintained with a regular fitness routine.


As we age, both mind and body deteriorate along the way. There’s research out there that states a regular fitness routine can increase longevity and quality of life. We also know that movement can help improve your mood/mental state. Who doesn’t feel amazing after a Pilates class?! I’ve learned and witnessed along the way that there’s a strong, positive connection between movement, memory, coordination, and balance. In fact, learning the Pilates routine and paying attention is part of the process. And on that note, concentration is one of the 6 Pilates principles. Aging is inevitable, so let’s focus on maintaining and improving brain power while we still can.


There are many benefits to building a fitness family. Have you worked out with a friend lately? It’s a great way to connect with like-minded individuals. Maybe have a little friendly competition…plank challenge anyone?! Having an accountability partner can also help keep you motivated and in shape. Working out alongside another adult can inspire you, motivate you to work harder, and can add a little fun to your routine. You are the company you keep, so keeping fit friends will rub off on you in a positive fashion. Health is wealth and we should preach that within our communities no matter how large or small. It’s important to learn early on, so we should also show our children what movement looks like from a young age. Include them in your workout whenever you can. From teens to centenarians, Pilates is for every body.


Spirituality and wellness go hand in hand. Physical fitness is one thing. Mental agility is another. But are you connected? To yourself? Your spirit? Your ancestors? Your guides? The source? The universe? Pilates requires a strong mind-body connection. It’s something you have to cultivate and nurture. I’ve found that Pilates can be meditative in the sense that movement with breath results in coordination of mind and body while in a state of concentration. It becomes easier to flow from shape to shape with precision and control. If you can learn to center yourself - physically & mentally - it becomes easier to see (in a 3rd eye sense) and connect with everything and everyone around you. Remember, no one can give the gift of faith. You have to believe in yourself and your abilities. What you can do (not what you can’t do). And once you find that confidence, you’ll feel lighter, brighter, and stronger than you ever thought you could be.

AMF is built around 4 concepts:


Moving your body once a day is always a good idea. Motion is lotion for your muscles and your mind. It’s a great way to kick-start your day, digestion, and detoxification. Your lymphatic system needs movement (think bouncing, rebounding, jumping, etc.) to drain effectively. Your heart is a muscle that obviously shouldn’t be neglected. And your joints are filled with synovial fluid that should be flushed out and replenished regularly. A favorite affirmation is “I am strong and I can do hard things.” One may not always feel strong in mind or body, but I know strength in both areas can be obtained and maintained with a regular fitness routine.


As we age, both mind and body deteriorate along the way. There’s research out there that states a regular fitness routine can increase longevity and quality of life. We also know that movement can help improve your mood/mental state. Who doesn’t feel amazing after a Pilates class?! I’ve learned and witnessed along the way that there’s a strong, positive connection between movement, memory, coordination, and balance. In fact, learning the Pilates routine and paying attention is part of the process. And on that note, concentration is one of the 6 PIlates principles. Aging is inevitable, so let’s focus on maintaining and improving brain power while we still can.


There are many benefits to building a fitness family. Have you worked out with a friend lately? It’s a great way to connect with like-minded individuals. Maybe have a little friendly competition…plank challenge anyone?! Having an accountability partner can also help keep you motivated and in shape. Working out alongside another adult can inspire you, motivate you to work harder, and can add a little fun to your routine. You are the company you keep, so keeping fit friends will rub off on you in a positive fashion. Health is wealth and we should preach that within our communities no matter how large or small. It’s important to learn early on, so we should also show our children what movement looks like from a young age. Include them in your workout whenever you can. From teens to centenarians, Pilates is for every body.


Spirituality and wellness go hand in hand. Physical fitness is one thing. Mental agility is another. But are you connected? To yourself? Your spirit? Your ancestors? Your guides? The source? The universe? Pilates requires a strong mind-body connection. It’s something you have to cultivate and nurture. I’ve found that Pilates can be meditative in the sense that movement with breath results in coordination of mind and body while in a state of concentration. It becomes easier to flow from shape to shape with precision and control. If you can learn to center yourself – physically & mentally – it becomes easier to see (in a 3rd eye sense) and connect with everything and everyone around you. Remember, no one can give the gift of faith. You have to believe in yourself and your abilities. What you can do (not what you can’t do). And once you find that confidence, you’ll feel lighter, brighter, and stronger than you ever thought you could be.

About Us


Ashley Fedarko

Founder/ Instructor

Ashley has been a fitness instructor for 5+ years and has a wealth of knowledge from her experience as a former athlete and now as a trainer. She’s certified in Pilates, Pilates Suspension Method (PSM), Barre Above & TRX.

Our Studio

Pilates, Personal Training & Functional Fitness

In the studio, you will have access to the following equipment:

Balanced Body Studio Reformer



TRX Suspension Trainer

Fitness Ball & Magic Fitness Circle

Free Weights (2-10 lbs) & Foam Roller

Let's Talk Pilates

Let's Talk Pilates

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