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How I Found and Fell in Love With Pilates

Hey y’all! I’m Ashley. Or as you might expect, Ashley Michelle. My last name is Fedarko which is what a lot of my friends call me. AMF should make perfect sense at this point. I assume you might want to know a little bit more about me and how this came to be? 

Well, this is my first blog post. Ever. Welcome to it. I’ll write about various topics and share stories or experiences that have shaped me or my vision for AMF. 

Today, I’m going to tell you the story about how I found and fell in love with Pilates <3

I’ve always been an athlete and LOVE moving my body. I played soccer and softball in my adolescent / teen years. Spent countless hours at the gym with weights and all the machines. Tried many styles of group classes along the way. Had a personal trainer for a bit. Honestly, I never met a workout I didn’t like. High intensity, low intensity, strength based, cardio based, I love it all. Then I found Pilates and I was hooked. Also shocked, because Pilates?! Who knew?! 

It all started during my teen years. Sometime in the late 90s. My mom bought a bare-bones reformer from QVC (the home shopping network). I would go down into the basement and mess around on it, not really knowing what it was for nor the purpose or principles of Pilates. I just thought it was “cool”. I never did a whole routine but played around enough to learn the basics. 

Fast forward a few years to 2003 when I moved to Boston for college. I didn’t think of Pilates once in the 3 years I was there (whoops). I worked out at the gym on campus often, but never did anything that resembled Pilates. Fast forward a few years later when I moved back home. It was 2006. My mom still had the reformer, but it turned into a resting place for whatever was sent to the basement for storage. To say it short and sweet: my relationship with reformer Pilates was over. Or so I thought. 

Spoiler alert: keep reading because we get reacquainted

Shortly after I moved back home, I discovered my mom also had a Denise Austin DVD that was yoga & Pilates focused. Of course I had to try it out. I did the yoga video first and couldn’t get into it. I wanted to like it, but it wasn’t challenging enough. I tried the Pilates routine and died – LOL! If you know mat Pilates, then you know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, then book a session with me and find out for yourself. 

I took the DVD with me when I went back to school at the start of the semester and did mat Pilates regularly in my bedroom at my apartment. And sometimes scandalously for my boyfriend at the time. Pilates is honestly quite sexual and can improve sexual health and performance. Maybe another blog article?! I digress. Lots of mat Pilates with a Denise Austin DVD at Drexel University. This was probably 2007. I wasn’t in the best shape of my life, but I could tell Pilates was doing something positive. I was getting stronger and my endurance improved as I maintained a regular routine for about 2-3 years. I also felt GREAT after the workout. Every time. Never failed. 

Fast forward again to 2011. I moved to San Diego. Everyone here is a yogi so I got into hot yoga for a while. I loved it, but it fell to the wayside for whatever reason. At some point in 2012 I found Club Pilates on Groupon. I went to take my first group reformer class in San Marcos with Randi who was hilarious (and still teaching there as of Jan 2024). I woke up the morning after and everything hurt. I’m sure not if my abs were sore from the workout or laughing, but they hurt. And my ARMPITS hurt. WTF?! I assume it was my lats. Regardless, I thought “what kind of sorcery did those springs do to me?!” At that point I found myself reconnected with Pilates and newly connected to my body in a way I never imagined I would be. I was SO sore. In places I didn’t even know existed. I kept going back for more. How could you not?! People love to see results. I personally like to feel them too. I always feel longer and aligned after Pilates. I notice I feel less aches and pains the more I practice Pilates. And the strength obtained on the way to performing Pilates at a high level is priceless. 

After 4 years of being a member and taking group classes I decided to go through the Club Pilates teacher training program in 2016.  I quit corporate America to chase my dreams instead. That was one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s a comprehensive 500-hour program that includes online learning, in-studio learning (multi-apparatus), observation, self-practice, practice teaching, assistant teaching and an apprenticeship. It’s a self paced program and I was able to finish by 2018. I started teaching group classes at that point and haven’t looked back. I’ve taught over 3,500 group classes and hundreds of private sessions. It’s currently my full time job.

The athlete in me loves taking group classes. I try to take them as often as I can. It’s been fun to try different styles of Pilates – classical, athletic, contemporary – over the years. I’m not sure I have a favorite because they all serve their purpose in my mind. On the other hand, as a trainer/instructor, I’d prefer to teach private sessions. It’s so easy for clients to get distracted, miss cues, or slack in a group setting. It’s also important for clients to learn their patterns and modifications in a 1:1 setting, so they can use those tools during class (or other workouts). Pilates itself is quite challenging, but exercises can be broken down into parts or progressions/regressions. This way each exercise is accessible and attainable depending on the client’s skill set and abilities. Exercises can be modified for various conditions which is also convenient. We always say Pilates is for every body and I truly believe it. 

I think the mind-body connection is by far the greatest gift of Pilates. The muscle tone, abs, and buns are definitely big pros too. But as far as knowing yourself and how to cultivate a relationship between your mind and body using the Pilates principles? It’s honestly priceless. I’ll have a crazy day and come to the studio scattered both mentally and emotionally. Give me 2-3 minutes of movement with breath and BOOM. I am centered. It’s like magic. It took time to cultivate that relationship with my body where I am able to check in. I’m learning how to connect with myself: mind/muscle, mind/body, mind/movement, mind/moment. Meditation is also another “M” word that resonates with my relationship with Pilates. I strive to seek a deeper connection in each of those aforementioned ways every time I get on a reformer (or on the mat). And honestly, because of Pilates, I strive to seek those deeper connections outside the studio as well. 

Along the way, I’ve heard some people refer to Pilates as the fountain of youth. I agree with that title. It keeps your joints lubricated, lengthens & strengthens musculature, and can improve spinal mobility & flexibility. A regular workout routine can also help maintain and improve mental agility. You know…following instructions and remembering cues! Pilates professionals aren’t “supposed” to say Pilates is rehabilitative. But guess what? My physical therapist has a reformer in her office, so there’s that. I’ve noticed that I don’t feel as even, long, tall, or strong without a consistent Pilates practice in my daily routine. It’s certainly something I strive to maintain considering I talk about Pilates 7 days a week. I literally ask the barista or server or whatever stranger I find myself talking to…”Have you ever tried Pilates?” If they say no, I give them a little info and history because I think we should keep Pilates and his story alive. If you ever want to read more about Pilates, Return to Life by Joseph Pilates or The Caged Lion by John Howard Steel would be great places to start. 

I mentioned earlier that Pilates is my favorite way to workout and I mean it. I also ride my bike, lift weights, and do some calisthenics. I’m 38 years old and I gave birth to a baby girl a little over 7 years ago. I’m currently in the best shape of my life.  I’m so close to a 6-pack, the splits, and a pull-up it hurts. All that to say, the main mode of exercise in my life is Pilates: mat, reformer, suspension, chair, springboard, ladder barrel, Cadillac, etc.

Pilates is my passion. My purpose. It brings me so much joy to perform, teach, preach, and share Pilates with all of you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your support. And thank you for believing in me.

With love & light.


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